Archivo de la categoría: Spotify

3º ESO Playlist

…and the same for 3º ESO students, a playlist on Spotify with all the music we have used to explain the binary and ternary forms, the concerto, the sonata…and other pieces from the spanish tradition and the popular music, including … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en Auditions, Playlists, Spotify | Etiquetado , , , | Deja un comentario

2º ESO Playlist

Here you guys have a Spotify playlist with all the auditions we have listened to to study the qualities of the sound, the noise… and many more like Scarborough Fair and Das Klinget. Audiciones 2º I always tell you to … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en Auditions, ♫♪, Playlists, Spotify | Etiquetado , , , , | Deja un comentario