Archivo de la categoría: guitar

The formula for musical success!

Today I would like to introduce you to Aldo Narejos (thanks Mili!), a very special teacher. In these videos he explains that 25 per cent of music is made with the same set of chords. Desnudando la fórmula del éxito … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en 3º ESO, guitar, Pop Music, videos | Etiquetado | Deja un comentario

Blowin’ in the wind, by Bob Dylan, performed by 3B

Sung, recorded and edited by 3B for the Peace Day.

Publicado en 2º ESO, 3º ESO, ♫♪, guitar, Our videos!, Peace Day, videos | 1 Comentario

Guitar lessons

For those who asked me about guitar lessons: now you have the opportunity to learn guitar without leaving school, either lunchtime or  evening, in individual or group lessons … and you already know the teacher, Javi. You just have to … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en guitar | Deja un comentario